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© Stadt Wuppertal

50th anniversary University of Wuppertal

we are celebrating with a new suspension railway model!

New suspension railway model - 50th anniversary of the university of Wuppertal

Founded 50 years ago the "Bergische Universität Wuppertal" was opened on August 3rd, 1972.

In the beginning there were 3.500 students, 6 years later this number has doubled and after 10 years increased to 10.000. After continuous growth and expanding to 3 campuses there is room for ca. 23.000 students today.

Offering 110 courses of studies, 51 of them finishing with a master's degree and of course you can doctorate here as well.

In 7 dorms over 1.200 students can find an inexpensive place to live.

The WSW congratulates the university with the newest suspension railway model!